I first started scrapping when I met Stéphanie Binet who is a Stampin' Up demonstrator. You can view her blog
here. She invited me to a Valentine's Day demo and just like certain drugs, it only took me once to be hooked! She was my SU demonstrator for nearly 2 years until she moved last fall :( ... so my little scrappin' gang and I were left stranded.... So, tell me, what other choice did I have than to become an Independent Demonstrator myself? .. obviously NONE!!! LOL!
Jokes aside, I took the leap in January and have been a demo since then... I've only held one workshop since. It was a Stamp and Stack style workshop which introduced certain basics of cardmaking as well as basic tools...
This is one of the 4 different cards that we made (each in 3 different color schemes).
(The Christmas owl as well as the picture frame are 2 projects that I got to make at Stéphanie's workshops...)
I was so excited when I prepared my workshop I took more pictures of the preparation stage than of the final projects :)
I only took one picture of the cards all together and hadn't realised I was missing 2 colors in a set...
Next time I take the cards out for a project I promise I'll take more individual pictures ;)
All in all, the workshop went really well and I was quite satisfied with the outcome! Hopefully I will have the chance to have a repeat :) especially so I can send more of my little Sheep Minions to my crafty clients!
Aren't they the cutest Minions ever?
For now, I need to concentrate on my Mother's Day workshop! We'll be making an EXPLOSION BOX!!!! I just CANNOT wait! (can you feel my over-excitedness??) ... and yes, I'll take better pics of that one!! lol!
Thanx a million for encouraging my madness!
Noukie xx