Thursday, 30 May 2013

A Million Faces!

Today, I thought I might share a double-page I created a few months ago. It was before my Demo days with SU so I'm a little rebel as the papers and embellishments are all from Bo Bunny.

All mothers out there will surely agree with me. When you have a brand new baby, you wish (and try!) to capture every smile, face, frown, squint, gurgle, giggle, noise, and so on... So here's my version of the new mom frenzy!

I just love all the bright colors of this paper collection!

As you may have noticed, I'm not an expert at journaling. I prefer to let the pictures speak for themselves!

My first attempt at clustering... It's not so bad but I still feel like there's something missing... When I get that feeling I prefer dropping everything because I tend to just add for adding, and end up with way too much unnecessary product.

That's my bit of Papermadness for you today! Hope you enjoyed it!

Thanx a million for encouraging my madness!
Noukie xx

Tuesday, 28 May 2013

12 cartes + trop de techniques = INTENSE!

Qu'est-ce qui arrive quand on est nouvellement démonstratrice et qu'on voit GRAND? On veut préparer le plus HOT!, le plus WOW! des ateliers et on veut TOUT mettre dedans... Résultat? J'ai fait un atelier trop chargé pour le temps alloué. Belle erreur de débutante, mais c'était rien de grave et les participantes étaient, malgré tout, bien contentes de leurs projets.

Voici les 4 modèles que nous avons créé:

La première est la plus simple des 4, mais elle introduisait bien la Big Shot et l'embossage à chaud.

Chaque modèle a été fabriqué en 3 couleurs chacune.

Voici une des gobbeuses de temps :)
 Très mignonne mais trop de détails pour un atelier du genre "stamp and stack"...

Sur demande, nous avons créé 2 modèles de noël, dont celui-ci "Case'd" (copié et partagé tout) de Pinterest:

Et ma petite dernière qui est, de loin, ma préférée!
J'ai aussi utilisé un modèle trouvé sur Pinterest, et je suis tombée en amour avec cette technique!

Disons que vous allez sûrement la revoir quand je vais faire mes cartes de noël. J'ai ENFIN trouvé une technique que j'aime pour utiliser ma poudre thermique de SU :)

C'est un premier atelier qui m'a appris plusieurs leçons qui me servent déjà quand je planifie mes ateliers ;)  ...Soit moins de techniques ou de modèles... Plus de longueur de ficelle car des petites boucles ça gruge la patience et la zénitude des participantes ;) (lol!) et surtout! prévoir du matériel pour les petites gaffes irréparables (par chance, j'en avais déjà prévu!!).

J'ai tout de même adoré ma première experience! J'ai même de beaux projets pour agrandir mes horizons :) lol!

Si vous avez manqué cet atelier intense! mais aimeriez fabriquer certains de ces projets, contactez-moi! Il me fera grand plaisir de vous guider à travers les techniques tout en préservant votre zénitude! :)

Merci encore d'encourager ma Follie!!
Noukie xx

Monday, 27 May 2013

Cartes du genre: Viriles!!

Bonjour à tous!

Hier, j'ai eu la chance d'animer (quoique mes invitées ont toujours le don de s'animer entre-elles! lol!) un atelier "chillax" de 3 cartes de styles plus masculins. Je dis "chillax" car les quelques derniers ateliers avaient été un peu plus intenses!

 2 cartes pour la fête des pères et une d'anniversaire générale:

Cette première a été  "CASE" (copy and share everything) de Stampin' Connection:

J'aime son look "class"!

Celle-ci, m'a donné beaucoup de misère...

La prochaine fois je ne collerai pas le cercle jaune avec mon bâon de colle car on voit trop la demarcation des bandes de papiers en dessous. ET, je ferai plus attention à l'angle dans lequel je "poutche-poutcherai" mes gouttes d'encre pour éviter qu'il y en ait PARTOUT!! hihihi! Que voulez-vous, ce sont les joies de la creation! Lol!
Je suis quand meme très fière du résultat final! Qu'en pensez-vous?
Et la dernière, faite avec du papier obtenu gratos! de la superbe promotion Sale-a-Bration du printemps dernier! Promotion à ne jamais manquer!! :)
Le médaillon central de cette carte est fait avec le Au Top de Stampin' Up... Vous aimeriez savoir comment? Contactez-moi, il me fera grand plaisir de vous montrer cette magnifique (et simple) technique ainsi que plusieurs autres! .
Vous aimeriez assister à mon prochain atelier ou en tenir un chez vous avec vos ami(e)s? Rien de plus facile! Contactez-moi par courriel et je vous arrange ça!!
D'ici là,
merci mille fois d'encourager ma follie!!!
Noukie xx

Une Boite pour ma Maman et un mini pour ma Belle-Maman!

Je vous avais promis des photos de l'intérieur de ma boite explosion de la fête des mères, alors les voici!!!

D'ailleurs ma maman était bien contente de son cadeau!! J'ai bien hâte de revoir ma petite boite une fois qu'elle l'aura rempli  de souvenirs!!

Le dessus du couvercle de plus près...
L'intérieur, une fois explosée!
Et quelques-unes des sections:

Les étiquettes dans ces 2 sections s'enlèvent et peuvent servir au journaling ou pour y ajouter d'autres photos.

J'ai vraiment ADORÉ fabriquer cette petite merveille et je recommencerais cet atelier n'importe quand!! Avis aux intéressés!! :) pour en réserver un!
Après avoir fini ma boite pour ma maman, j'ai créé ce mini-album tout chou pour ma belle-maman en Belgique!
et l'arrière...
Ces 2 projets ont été fabriqué avec du materiel Stampin'Up ... Si vous aimeriez en apprendre plus sur ces produits contactez-moi! Il me fera grand plaisir de vous guider à travers notre nouveau catalogue 2013-14 :)
Vous pourrez même repartir avec votre propre copie pour seulement 5$ :)
Bonjour à vous!
Et mille fois merci d'encourager ma follie!!
Noukie xx

Tuesday, 14 May 2013

The Case of the Cursed Flower...

You know that moment when your creating mojo just goes down the drain and all you end up doing for a few weeks... or months... is surf on Pinterest and re-create other people's projects? Yep! It's been one of those creator's blocks and I blame it on the cursed Flower!

A few months back, I made this lovely flower with my Daydream Medallions and Floral framelits kit from SU and since then ... blah! ... That lovely, cursed flower just sat on my desk for months, sucking all creative life out of me!

Last week, I decided it was ENOUGH! I turned that sucka' into a card, and though it wasn't an easy ordeal, I'm not too disappointed in the final result:

I would have loved to share the inside with you but unfortunately my camera refused to focus right...

So if my calculations are right, now that the cursed flower has been mounted on a finished card, my creator's block should vanish. Therefore, I should be posting some more original lovelies real soon :)

Thanx a million for encouraging my madness!
Noukie xx

Saturday, 13 April 2013

Mother's Day Explosion Box Workshop!

Just thought I'd share a few preview pictures of my upcoming workshop! A gift and a matching card...
Just LOVE explosion boxes! Don't you?
 Do you recognize the Artisan embellishment kit from Stampin' Up's spring mini? What about the fabulous colors from the More Amore paper collection?
...and a little detail off the top :)

Just in case anyone would like to have  more details about my workshops just e-mail me :
I will be giving my blog set-up a good re-vamp very soon to include SU links and all the details of my different workshops ... but I have to meet with my designer-pal first :)
Thanx again for encouraging my madness!
Noukie xx

Become a Stampin' Up Demonstrator? Why not!!

I first started scrapping when I met Stéphanie Binet who is a Stampin' Up demonstrator. You can view her blog here. She invited me to a Valentine's Day demo and just like certain drugs, it only took me once to be hooked! She was my SU demonstrator for nearly 2 years until she moved last fall :( ... so my little scrappin' gang and I were left stranded.... So, tell me, what other choice did I have than to become an Independent Demonstrator myself? .. obviously NONE!!! LOL!

Jokes aside, I took the leap in January and have been a demo since then... I've only held one workshop since. It was a Stamp and Stack style workshop which introduced certain basics of cardmaking as well as basic tools...

This is one of the 4 different cards that we made (each in 3 different color schemes).
(The Christmas owl as well as the picture frame are 2 projects that I got to make at Stéphanie's workshops...)

I was so excited when I prepared my workshop I took more pictures of the preparation stage than of the final projects :)

I only took one picture of the cards all together and hadn't realised I was missing 2 colors in a set...

Next time I take the cards out for a project I promise I'll take more individual pictures ;)

All in all, the workshop went really well and I was quite satisfied with the outcome! Hopefully I will have the chance to have a repeat :) especially so I can send more of my little Sheep Minions to my crafty clients!
Aren't they the cutest Minions ever?

For now, I need to concentrate on my Mother's Day workshop! We'll be making an EXPLOSION BOX!!!! I just CANNOT wait! (can you feel my over-excitedness??) ... and yes, I'll take better pics of that one!! lol!

Thanx a million for encouraging my madness!
Noukie xx

Explosion boxes.. My new Passion!

Earlier in March I was looking for an original birthday gift idea to make for my bestest pal who is just starting to paper craft. After spending way too much time on Pinterest (Who doesn't?) I came upon explosion boxes and fell right in love with the project! Who wouldn't like to receive a mini scrapbook album in a box?

I used the Specialty Sweet Shop paper collection from SU.

inside view


a few tags to add notes or display more pictures...

sorry... still have no idea how to rotate pictures on blogger...

and my favorite page: a little keepsakes box...
I absolutely loved the challenge of making this box. Hopefully my Bestie will have just as much fun filling it up with pics and souvenirs :)

Thanx again for encouraging my madness!!
Noukie xx

35 years! There's a GREAT reason to celebrate!

I'm taking a few minutes to congratulate my parents-in-law on their 35th wedding anniversary! Congratulations Carine and Jean-Jacques!

Did I ever tell you how much I LOVE my Big Shot machine? The possibilities are simply never-ending!

The only detail you can't really see from the picture is that I added a little liquid pearl (white opal) to the embossed frame so the tiny dots look so ... pearly :)

Thanx for vising and encouraging my madness!
Noukie xx

Friday, 15 February 2013

A little pinterest steal :)

Just couldn't resist re-creating these... Stampin Up's Fox and Friends is the first stamp set I ever bought (so in some way, it's all its fault!!) but I never really used it all that much, so when I spotted this on pinterest a few weeks ago I just HAD to give it a go!

original pin:

Pinned Image

My total steal:

These mini cuties are 2.5" x 2.5" ... I had started by making just one but then I just couldn't stop myself anymore... Now I just can't wait for all of my friends to get pregnant so I can give them away!!! lol!
Thanx for peaking and encouraging my madness!
Noukie xx

Happy 29th My Love!!

Simple and masculine, to celebrate my man's last year in his young twenties!! Myself being over thirty for a few years now, teasing him is simply DELIGHTFUL!!!

Hihihi! simple and effective!!

I've also been working on another birthday card, but this time for a lovely 6 year old girl named Charlie... I just love working with pink, for some reason it just comes more natural and easy to me.

And my favorite part:

...adding SU Swaks all over the inside! Apparently she was just as thrilled when she opened it up :)
The stamp I used is one of my favorite birthday stamps for children: Clown Owls by Pink Cat Studio. Gotta love the fact that they are made in Canada :)
Short and sweet! Like I love them :)
Thanx for encouraging my madness!!!
Noukie xxx

Tuesday, 22 January 2013

Flexmarkers... How I love Thee!!

You know how they say, "Never say never!", well I should probably have listened.

When I first started scrappin' I was in it for the scrapbook pages because "card-making wasn't my thing"... LOL!
Then it was, "Bigshot machine, who needs a Bigshot machine?"... second-time LOL!
And lately I was like, "Whoa! alcohol-based markers are way out of my league, I will NEVER get into those!" :)
So what changed my mind? Simple laziness! I had just inked a few stamps and was basically too lazy to take out my prismacolors and blending tools... So, long story short, Youtube introduced me to Flexmarkers and Letraset just happend to have a 40% (now 50%) sale... Briefly, here I am waiting for my second order to arrive this week to feed my new addiction :)

Here is my first Flexmarker image (Mo manning's Bunny with Gift):

you may notice the 4 12-marker sets in the background...
A little closer:
Obviously, I need to be more careful with the bleeding to make sure I don't pass over the lines as much, but I am just so proud of my first shading experience :) Isn't he just lovely?
The moral of this story? NEVER SAY NEVER!!!! Lol!
Thanks for visiting and encouraging my madness (which just keeps growing!),
Noukie xx