Tuesday, 22 January 2013

Flexmarkers... How I love Thee!!

You know how they say, "Never say never!", well I should probably have listened.

When I first started scrappin' I was in it for the scrapbook pages because "card-making wasn't my thing"... LOL!
Then it was, "Bigshot machine, who needs a Bigshot machine?"... second-time LOL!
And lately I was like, "Whoa! alcohol-based markers are way out of my league, I will NEVER get into those!" :)
So what changed my mind? Simple laziness! I had just inked a few stamps and was basically too lazy to take out my prismacolors and blending tools... So, long story short, Youtube introduced me to Flexmarkers and Letraset just happend to have a 40% (now 50%) sale... Briefly, here I am waiting for my second order to arrive this week to feed my new addiction :)

Here is my first Flexmarker image (Mo manning's Bunny with Gift):

you may notice the 4 12-marker sets in the background...
A little closer:
Obviously, I need to be more careful with the bleeding to make sure I don't pass over the lines as much, but I am just so proud of my first shading experience :) Isn't he just lovely?
The moral of this story? NEVER SAY NEVER!!!! Lol!
Thanks for visiting and encouraging my madness (which just keeps growing!),
Noukie xx


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